Wed, 23.10.
16:00 - 20:00
Park Hotel

Gartenstr. 1
74072 Heilbronn
COmmunity Get together ANd Dinner
Hosted by: Campus Founders Community

Exclusive invite-only event for our Campus Founders Community-Members
Become part of the community and be there next year:
Thu, 24.10.
Park Hotel
Skybar 10/42

Gartenstr. 1
74072 Heilbronn
Was Ist Das?!
Hosted by: Verband deutscher Unternehmerinnen (VdU)

Ein zentrales Thema unserer Zeit ist der Klimawandel und damit einhergehend eine dringend notwendige Transformation der Wirtschaft. Wir wollen den Vormittag dafür nutzen, um das Thema "Impact Investing" näher zu beleuchten und zu diskutieren, wie der Wandel durch nachhaltige Investitionen einen sinnvollen Beitrag dazu leisten kann.

Darüber sprechen:
Amela Turkmanovic von GREEN Family Office,
Peter Brock,  Mitbegründer der Bundesinitiative Impact Investing,
Patrick Knodel von Innovation for Impact,
Christina Bräutigam von Deutsche Dienstrad,
Bernd Klosterkemper von Ananda Ventures,
Sandro Stark von Vanagon Ventures,
Angelika Stahl, GLS Bank Stuttgart.

Anmeldung zum Side Event
Thu, 24.10.
10:00 - 12:00

Im Zukunftspark 11/13,
74076 Heilbronn
AI Developers @ Heilbronn Slush'D
Hosted by: AppliedAI, AI Developers of Germany

Kick off your Heilbronn Slush'D experience with a morning gathering of AI developers.​​

Join our exclusive side event to connect, inspire, and accelerate AI development with actionable insights, engaging discussions, and networking opportunities.​​

AI Developers fosters a vibrant AI ecosystem in Germany through monthly meetups uniting academia, industry, investors, nonprofits, and startups.​​

Expect actionable insights, engaging discussions, and plenty of networking opportunities over coffee & pizza before Heilbronn Slush'D begins.

Registration for the Side Event
Thu, 24.10.
10:00 - 12:00
Building T

74076 Heilbronn
CLoud Innovators Meetup: 
Bridging Students, Startups and Industry
Hosted by: Heilbronn University in collaboration with AWS Tech Alliance and TUM Venture Labs

This event is your launchpad to connect with fellow students, innovative startups, forward-thinking corporates, and potential investors - all united by the power of cloud computing.
Discover how innovative startups leverage creative teams and scalable cloud infrastructure to bring their ideas to life. Gain insights into the essential skills and roles driving these cutting-edge companies. Enjoy presentations of innovative student projects and network with inspiring mentors from startups, corporations, and investment firms to foster connections that could shape your future in tech and entrepreneurship.

Registration for the side event
Thu, 24.10.
10:00 - 12:00
Café Fleur

Lohtorstraße 41 74072 Heilbronn
Croissant & Connect
Das Female Founder Side Event
Hosted by: NXTGN, Campus Founders, encourageventures e.V., Start-up BW

True to the motto ‘Croissant & Connect’ on 24 October (10:00 - 12:00) you will have the opportunity to meet female investors, business angels, managers and successful successful female entrepreneurs at eye level - just a few hours before the Heilbronn Slush'D! Perfect timing to start the day inspired and energised.

Who will be there?

These are the inspiring Table Captains:

Hanna König, founder of Stapelstein, Forbes 30 Under 30
Christine Rittner, business angel and supervisory board member
Sonja Schweizer, Managing Director, Sustainability Advisory Board
Fabiola Hartung-Linz, Sales Director Consulting, mentor at Campus Founders
Nina Hartmann, Entrepreneur and Regional Chairwoman of the VdU
Bettina Banaj, female business coach, member of BPW Stuttgart e.V.

Apply until 15 October!

Application for the Side-Event